Merigar East
Bringing presence in your life
About the place
Meditation, Yoga & Tibetan Culture
On the coast of the Black Sea

Meditation and Dzogchen

Dzogchen (or Total Perfection) refers to non-religious teachings originating in Buddhism, comprising direct methods to understand the nature of our minds. You can learn here the knowledge and methods transmitted to us by prof. Namkhai Norbu.

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The Place

Welcome to this beautiful place hosting the International Dzogchen Community. It is a jewel inspired by Tibetan Buddhist art and practice, unique in its kind this part of Europe. It is at the Black Sea shore, in the village 23 August.

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“The first thing you should do is observe yourself and how your condition is. Evolution means we are knowing our condition and working with that. If you don’t know about mind how can you know about Nature of Mind? First you have to observe your mind. Your condition is Body, Speech and Mind. You should observe these three. The rule in Dzogchen is you govern your mind with your Presence. The real value of Dzogchen is we are learning to break our limitations.”
Chogyal Namkhai Norbu